- Abstract Tac Toe
This is something I made based on a reddit post about a surprisingly deep expansion of the classic game Tic Tac Toe. With some practice, you can do OK against the computer -- it took me a bit before I could regularly beat the computer player I added in, so I suppose that's a fun challenge, if you want to give it a shot. Generally fun game to play with others, too.
- Ambient
This is a meditation tool I made so I would get startled by the noise from my timer app. Simple enough -- it just uses flashes in screen brightness -- and it works outdoors too (at least, on my phones it works).
- Countermind
This is an implementation of Mastermind, the classic puzzle game, but I wanted to see what a computer player would look like. It turns out, the minimally competent computer player (one who makes a random move not already disproven) is so good at this game that more advanced strategies have minimal benefit. Can be a bit of a workhorse on phones when the computer plays, but it shouldn't be too bad.
- Motohurry
This is an adrenaline-fuelled Fast and the Furious-style action video game I made to share the visceral enjoyment I have of those movies. Of course, it's got my own little flair to it, which means it's a calm countryside drive with pleasant, simple images, where you don't go much faster than the other cars, and you're prevented from bumping into them. Because being polite is important. This meets no definition of fun I am aware of, but is certainly pleasant.
- Peek-A-Buren
This is a completely pointless bookmarklet I made to add a Martin van Buren popup to other webpages. After the Spectre mitigations, the animations are no longer as smooth, but it still basically works, even if it's totally pointless. Back by popular request, as obviously there's no other reason to have something this silly.
- German Historical Figure Or Printer Quiz
I'm sure you think you'd be able to tell whether something is the name of a German Historical Figure or a Printer model number, but it's trickier than you'd think! I've been trying to encourage people to educate themselves, and I just wanted to do my part to help facilitate that.
- Reverse Digit Span
This is a tool for Reverse Digit Span tests I thought I would make after reading Hive Mind: How Your Nation's IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own. It persuaded me that this was a good representative proxy metric for IQ, as it's repeatable and automatically gradable across language barriers. After an experience abroad eerily similar to Micheal Bluth's experience with Rita, I do like using this as an example of what I do for a living, despite it being a personal project I have made $0 on. Color me cautious, but I truly don't judge people for any reasonable score.
- Sequence
I wanted a very simple checklist style workflow system for my phone. It works for me, but considering how useful I find it, I suspect lots of people want slightly different things in this area. But if you want a click-through style routine reminder system, this might be your jam as well.
- Up To Current
My challenge with naming things is perhaps most profound here. It's a bookmarking system for webfiction. If you have any suggestions for additional domains you'd like me to support out of the box (it has a configurator built in which should work), send me an email (details below). The website has instructions for adding the bookmarket to your browser, so no worries. Doesn't work on mobile, because I have no idea how to get this functionality to work outside an app wraps a browser, and that stinks.
- Video Learner
This automatically loops sections of youtube videos in sequence. Once you've got one part, you continue onto the next one and can loop that. This is a tool I use for language shadowing, mostly, but memorizing a song's lyrics goes easier with this (if you can tolerate the boredom of the approach).
Everything else I made for this site was either a failed joke, a proof/dis-proof of concept, a sort of useful CRUD app that didn't meet it's mark, or just general silliness I could use to comment on things I saw online. If you used any of them, and wanted to see them continue, just email me at picklesecond@gmail.com and I'll see what I can do.